by KC | Aug 6, 2010 | People
I am happy today to introduce Jonny, one of my Business Associates who is the Founder of the Seventh Heaven Fashion! I have personally know Jonny coming to 2 years as a BNI Associate. Their main selling point is that they sell clothes which their female clients can...
by KC | Jul 25, 2010 | For the Advanced
I often point people to Google Webmasters Central Channel over at YouTube because Matt Cutts (Head of Google’s Webspam Team) always share important facts for the Webmasters and Business Owners who are very concerned about their Search Engine Rankings. I have...
by KC | Jul 9, 2010 | Things I Care
I have just finished writing the Guide, Making Your Website Sell and I thought it would be good to share some useful tips to help you maximize your web estate. This guide is written with the Business Owners in mind because as I was going around talking to Business...
by KC | Jun 26, 2010 | Things I Care
If you run a website, have you asked yourself is it an asset or a liability? I think every business owners should yourself this question because it makes no sense creating a website just for ‘branding’ purpose. To me, the website should be another sales...
by KC | Jun 17, 2010 | BNI, People
It is usual practice for BNI members to meet in the morning every week 7.30am for business networking and referrals. I was at Secret Recipe (CPF Building) this morning with my inner circle of business associates and week after week they have been supporting me and...