KC Tan
WordPress CoachAbout Me
I started my first online venture in 2005 where I created an online game and started selling advertisement spaces to websites at that time.
After that, I went on to create websites for businesses and implement various digital marketing techniques for them.
In 2009, I started conducting workshops in Singapore to teach website creation, digital marketing, and affiliate marketing.
It was in 2014 that I convert all my workshops to online courses where anyone from any part of the world can get access to my online courses.
Today, I am happy to share my experiences in online businesses on my website and blog here, and hope you learn something from my sharing too!
All the best in your online business and learning!
My Values & Beliefs
I have the responsibility to help you avoid the mistakes and fast track your journey with reference to my experience. I always make sure the advice I give you is what I would do if I were you.
One of the most important thing in life is thinking in terms of others’ perspective. I always make sure I listen with my heart and think from the other person’s perspective before I give my advice and work together on the same path.
Never Stop Learning
Life is a journey of learning. Growth stops where learning stops. And life stops when growth stops. I tell myself to never stop learning so that I always have resources available to help others and myself.
How To Start
First thing first, if you are thinking to create an online business, then read my blog post on “Online business ideas you can start!” or read my most recommended books for online businesses here.
Next, I also provide coaching to guide you set up a website for either for your business, or hobbies. Refer to my coaching page for more details.
Lastly, feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding home businesses!