I just came back from a run this morning and though to myself that it is amazing that I have been jogging three times a week for the last 2 years! I still remember I will have struggles when I wake up at 6am trying to go for a jog initially. It is after I stumbled upon something interesting that makes me continue this good habit time after time. I think it may work for you as well if you are now trying hard to follow through on new positive habits.
From hate to love
I used to avoid running as much as possible since secondary school times where I failed my every 2.4KM run. I still have that dread feelings whenever I go running after my university days. It is until one day when I chanced upon a book called CHI Running in Ang Mo Kio library. At that time, I am interested to find out more about Chi, a flowing energy through our bodies. That book changed my whole perspective in running after that! Ok, this post is not about CHI Running but it is this instant shift in my mind that makes me want to learn and use this technique to start running! I have included a resource at he end of this post if you are interested to find out more about CHI Running.
A lesson that I learn here (besides CHI Running techniques) is that sometimes, when we change the ways we do certain things, that feeling we receive will be much more different! I believe that most of the time, it is not what we do but how we do that makes a difference.
Adding Freshness to New Habits
If you are like me, you may be excited about new things in the beginning but this enthusiasm seldom lasts beyond three months. To be honest, my old feelings start to come back three months into CHI Running because it is no longer exciting to me. Then one day, as I was scheduling my next day appointment, I find that I have no time to read a book so I get myself an audio version thinking I should be able to listen to it between appointments. Out of a sudden, a thought strikes me that why not I run and listen to this audio book at the same time? The rest is history and now I am listening to inspiring stories, self-development audio clips and sometimes motivational music when I run. To me, this is the best of both worlds where I get to learn new things from world-class trainers like Anthony Robbins, Tom Peters, Zig Ziglar and many more plus getting myself in top condition to start my day!
Now, I look forward to my running days where I can run, learn and be inspired at the same time =)
So my message to you is that if you are having a hard time following through new habits, is there other ways you can do but still achieve the same results? And is it possible to add other activities into the process? If it is a habit worth forming, then it is something worth thinking!
Additional Resources
If you are interested to learn how to run without injuries, check out Danny Dreyer’s website, he is the Founder of CHI Running technique. The following is a video that I found from YouTube that may interests you if you do not like running.. at least for now..
Impressive advice This really is one of the most informative blogs I’ve ever browsed on this area.
“Live with passion.” Anthony Robbins
Hey Preston, I am glad you find CHI Running useful! The realization really makes my perspective on running change overnight =)
Nowadays, I do my best to sleep before 11pm especially if the next day is a running day.
Hi KC! I tried the CHI Running technique and it actually works. I managed to cover a longer distance and not getting as tired as before. Thanks for introducing me the CHI Running technique.
Currently, I’m reading the book “Chi Running: A Revolutionary Approach to Effortless, Injury-free Running” by Danny Dreyer. I’m working towards mastering the techniques correctly and I really do enjoy running now ;-)
Btw, you mentioned that you wake up at 6am, three times a week for a run. That’s really disciplined ;-) What time do you knock off to bed then?